MSSQL to Access Converter is a utility to convert MSSQL tables into Access databases. It supports all versions of MS SQL Server and MSSQL Express Edition is also supported . You can select a single or multiple tables to transfer to MS Access in one go. It can create table schemas if the tables are not existing in the target Access database. It can also load data into existing Access tables. You can even do column mapping if the target table is already existing.
Automatically chooses right data types and widths
Beside table schemas and data, it can also import Constraints and Indexes, such as Primary Key, Not Null, Foreign Keys etc.
It also supports Synchronization i.e. it can synchronize target Access tables by using UPSERT and INSERT loading option.
Comes with it’s own scheduler in case if you need to do conversion on regular basis. It also provides Command Line Interface to run the saved conversion jobs manually or from third party applications
Uses native MS SQL Server Bulk Loading option, which greatly improves the loading speed
Using MSSQL to Access Converter you will be able to do the following conversions
- MSSQL to MS Access
- MS Access to MSSQL Database
- MSSQL to MSSQL SQL Dump file
- MSSQL to MSSQL Database
- MS Access to MS Access
- MS Access to MSSQL SQL Dump file
Compare the following features which you will not find in any other tool
Load data into any existing target table with full Column Mapping
UPSERT and INSERT feature to synchronize source and target tables. More
Creates SQL dump files from any Source Databases
Support Command Line interface to execute sessions from command line or other applications
Supports repository to easily manage all saved sessions
Comes with its own scheduler or you can use Windows Task Scheduler to execute repeated migration jobs
Support Bulk Inserts and Bulk Load feature to load millions of rows at blazing speed
Select MS SQL Server Tables to Convert, Choose Target Access database, and Click Start to Start the Conversion. As simple as this
Supported Databases
- MySQL Dump
- Oracle
- Oracle SQL Dump
- MS Access
- PostgreSQL
- Foxpro/DBF Files
- CSV/Text or Fixed width
- MS SQL Server
- MS SQL Server Dump
- Maria DB
- Amazon RDS
- Amazon Aurora
- Google Cloud
- Azure Database for MySQL

Top Features
Constraints and Indexes
Imports all Constraints and Indexes and Auto Increment attributes.
In Built Scheduler
Automatically transfer data without any interaction.
Bulk Loading
Bulk Loading feature for Oracle, MySQL and MS SQL Server databases to load millions of rows at blazing speed.
Column Mapping
Load into new or existing tables with full Column Mapping.
Generate SQL dump files from any database source
UPSERT and INSERT loading options to Synchronize Source and Target databases.